Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wonders of Wonders V

My fellow adventurers,here is the next part of The Atlantian Bride. I hope you enjoy this as much as I.-Lia R.S        Introduction: A great darkness has arisen, pirates everywhere are disappearing, the Royal Navy is on the move and many are wondering if a War between the Pirates and Britain is converging. A young Pirate crew,a broken huntress, a mysterious lady, Jack Sparrow and co. and the Pirate Lords. All are tied together in this saga and only together can they stop "Her". Will they sort out their differences and band together or fall divided.....Darkness and War are coming, who will you stand with? 
The Atlantian Bride Pt 2 

Kit Serene the “ Shadow Vixen” watched and waited patiently at the docks spying on her prey, Jack Sparrow was just a few feet away from her hiding place, a stack of old crates. She thought of the stories her sisters told her of, a dashing rugged, seafaring pirate lord and immortal captain of the Black Pearl.
 “We’ll soon see about that” she mutters quietly “your “immortality” will not save you from your fate so easily this time” her heart quickened at the thought of her orders, “Dirzara” for “She” was the one thing that she believed she could trust, “Dirzara” was what kept her alive and trained her, “Dirzara” said “She” had saved her from the vile treacherous world and was helping her discover her potential her “true potential”. For “Dirzara” was her master and had commanded her to hunt down Jack Sparrow and kill him, her eyes silently watched as he spoke to one of the crew and started walking past her. Kit unsheathes her blade, a blade of pure black metal, even hilt, save a fox of red upon it, and prepares to strike. Now she thought thrusting her blade towards her prey, and suddenly a flock of chickens wander past, her blade catching a hen the hen lets out a dying screech “SCREEEEEEE!”;  
Startling the Captain, his companion and stirring up a commotion. As Kit wrenched her blade free of the hen’s body, the rooster flew up and attacked her face “Arg!” Kit shouted as she tried to defend herself. Kit stumbled, knocking into another group of pirates sending them into the water, into another group or through cargo and tipping the crates in the process, angered the pirates started fighting, in a few short moments an all-out brawl was started. Scrambling up from where she fell, Kit glanced at the Captain, she felt his gaze upon her “you there!” he shouted over the din, Kit took off, running in the opposite direction “wait!” he shouted as he and his companion ran after Kit. She knocked over stands and people as she ran; creating obstacles in Jack Sparrows path, putting on a burst of speed Kit slips into an alleyway and watches the pair race past.  Kit waited until her pulse stopped racing and the proceeded to draw her blade; determined to finish the task. When she felt a cold sensation; like ice, and heard a terrible, whispering voice inside her head; it was one of the Seven Ethereals summoning her. 
“Shadow, Dirzara Commands You to Return.” 
“Very Well.” she responds silently and the connection fades, cursing her ill-fated luck this day Kit closes her eyes as she steps into a shadow and vanishes; reappearing somewhere distant. 
Opening her eyes Kit is greeted by one of the Seven, Arorzael a winged spirit, “Greetings Shadow Vixen, Welcome Back to Serphyn.” (To be continued)

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