Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy 3 years!

Although I did write a reminder, today's the day!  Three years ago I made this blog from an inspiration from my aunt.   And because I like crafts and LOVE bluebirds I named it Bluebird Buttons.  Bluebirds 'n' Buttons is my special expression for only very special occasions and this is of course a special occasion!  Special thanks to grandpa W. who marked it on the calendar and invited us over to get some internet connection! It was also my great uncles 75th birthday!  Many happy returns!  And now I need to hurry and rehearse for Jack and The beanstalk Mother goose club play with the family!  Clem is already organizing it with the younger cousins. 
writing script rapidly, Avimar
 Theres me with my darling Mary at age 7!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Blog Anniversary!

Guess what, dear members!?  Its going to be the anniversary of this blog!  Just think, 3 whole years!  Luckily, Grandpa W. found out the date on Sept 1st.  Its September 29th!  I didn't want to forget that day so please put this on you calenders or just keep it in mind!  So you could go on my blog on that day and look at the past blog posts.  I admit, my blog is a site better than it was at the first.  Has anyone of you tried my first solo recipe, Pudding Cake?  I hope you have!  I haven't tasted it since the first!   Thanks for being loyal members thru thick and thin!  Its going to be a great year!  Thanks again!  
 Hetty when she was almost one!  Its one of my favorite pictures!

 Me, when I first got my bangs!  A little bit too giggly, don't you think?

P.S. I want to say something about one of my members who's Clare M.  I am keeping you in my deepest prayers, Clare!  You and your family are in a special corner of my heart!  Love U!

Sincerely, Avimar

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day Greetings!!!

Happy Labor Day, Members, Bloggers, and Family, Friends!  I haven't done a blogpost for crafts in a long time so I shall tell you about the most recent craft the D. Family has made with our dear Grandpa D.  Snakes and Ladders Board Game!  It only takes two medium-sized cardboard pieces.  Use a ruler to draw ladders and squares so that all the cardboard in neatly filled with squares.   Draw big snakes curving down.  Ours is very colorful with engorgement stickers and colorful drawings.  If you know how to play the old-fashioned Chutes and Ladders you can play this game!  I don't have the words to explain the game that well so I'll just say its super fun, you need a dice and the certain number that appears on the dice during your turn you use little things are markers to move up the squares.  The first one to the top wins this game!  Have fun!   I also want to say a big happy birthday to my cousin Joanie and also to my mothers friends little girl whose turning one in late september!  Happy Labor day and God bless!
P.S.  I don't have a picture of the game but here is us and Dad at the Newport Aquarium, ("The Sea And Me") on Slowly the Turtle!(My make believe name for this huge bronze tortoise!) God Bless!