Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wonders of Wonders II: Older Sister Fiascos

The boys were starving to death (so they said by their words and actions), so I decided to make them some pancakes. As we have a pretty large family, and they all have rather voracious appetites, I decided to make a quintuple batch. (!) The recipe, multiplied by five, called for 15 teaspoons of baking powder. (!!) I, for some reason, thought that it said baking soda. So I put fifteen teaspoons of baking soda in and then expected my long-suffering family to eat them! (!!!) My brother Aidan took a bite and choked. I turned pale (figuratively) and took a bite and also choked. They were all disgusting and not even a gallon of maple syrup could help. So we threw them away and for some time after that I was very careful about the difference between soda and powder! -Trini  

Mom had left for a quiet retreat putting me in charge of the meals.  I was very excited because I believed this to be a chance to show how responsible and what a wonderful cook I was.  I took cooking seriously and began making banana bread, tomato sauce, spaghetti and everything I needed to make a delicious meal.  Everything turned out beautifully and I was confident I was a boon of a cook.  The next day I decided to start early with simple biscuits. I rolled out the dough and cut out little crosses painstakingly with a knife and slid the pan into the oven. About twenty minutes later I took the pan from the oven and admired the golden crust and the brown edges.  Upon consumption, my siblings began to grimace and looked at the huge platter of tiny cross shaped biscuits with new eyes.  
I took a bite of one particular fat biscuit and choked.  The biscuits tasted as if they had been made with sawdust and gas! 
 The moral of this story is take baking soda with a grain of salt and follow instructions perfectly.  Do not become over-confident when trying a recipe you have never made before.                                                                                                                            -Avid

I even took a picture of them for I thought they looked so appetizing.  Joke on me!  


  1. They say that cooking is an art... And baking is a science. Whereas an art can be interpreted in many way but a science has a 1 to 1 relationship. Something that is much more accurate. I have done the too much baking soda too as well as to much ground cloves.
