Friday, October 31, 2014

What it Means to be Full of Zeal as We Pray An Article By Avila D.

When we as Catholics, Byzantine Catholics,etc think of the meaning of zeal and how we can improve, God is hopeful that his pampered children, who have a spoiled outlook on life finally be full of eagerness to be a better christian and pray zealously. When you enter a church, are you full of zeal to get down and pray? Or is it just the instinct you feel that it is right to kneeel just as the other adorers? Or are our prayers hurried and little meaning is put in them? God looks down on the zealous of heart with deep, wounding love. That is, if we pray with Zeal, eagerness in our hearts. If we are wanting to pray, we are lifted higher from the pit of purgatory. God recognizes a meaningful prayer than a flurried, "Amen" tagged on after a quick petition. As a Catholic daughter of Christ, I am not the perfect modal of a zealous person. I have noticed that my posture on the kneeler can be a bit droopy, even bored, and I recognize the fact that I have to change. I am going to practice what I preach. Ahem. As we enter the church(this is your spiritual homework.)we are going to make a reverent genuflect or bow, enter the pew, and kneel down modestly. If it helps, you can bring a rosary in with you, but just spend at least five minutes in deep prayer. Jesus said if we pray a Hail Mary, a Glory Be every day for three years , we will not suffer the fire of purgatory, and our generations until the forth will be with us in heaven when they die. Isn't that worth being full of Zeal for?


  1. I'm taking on a religious mode for Nov, Dec, etc. On sunday I remembered the homework at the consecration and I did pray with zeal!(I hope). I found out I can be good always if I pray always.
