Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Hallow's Eve & Pumpkins

I really wanted to share with you on our little All Saint's Day props which we used at a homeschool co-op party today. Hetty was St. Clare of Assisi, I was Blessed Pier G. Frassati, Clem was Miguel Pro, Zac was St. Sebastian(for two years), Ephrem was St. Mark, and Abe was supposed to be one of our props but he declined.

St. Clare: She wore a little indian like shirt, a little ragged at the edges, and then to say she was wealthy, a purple silk tunic was placed over is and removed when that clue was given. We had a candlestick, and we cut out yellow paper and a white host, which were glued together, there was a little hole-tube like opening where the candle was stuck.

St. Mark: I drew a little winged lion out of paper to be pinned on his cloak, but then we had another idea of cutting a T-shirt to look like a lion's mane. Abe was going to be the lion, but his refusal is another story. WE also heard of pinning a lion puppet to the cloak but our toy store is not satisfactory.

St. Sebastion: WE had a red cape which fit Zac after a little sewing, He had a hunting arrow cut in half, and stuck in foam, which was under the red mantel. It was convincing. Last year we had two arrows stuck in his belt. Miguel Pro: Clem wore suit pants, a plaid shirt or a navy blue T-shirt. Very simple.

Pier Frassati: I just decided that I would like to be a boy this year. I wore a fur coat, and pants, Dad lent me his pipe, and I had a leather bag for tobacco and any provisions. Under my coat was a mans scarf which concealed my shirt, and neck. It was a big success!
Pumpkins! We had a lot of fun! After we celebrated with carrot muffins and a warm fire.


  1. I hope you took some pictures of you and the kids in costume. Unfortunately, I missed it.

  2. We took some pics of the party, pumpkins! Clem did Hulk Hogan on his pumpkin, I have the cat Jack-o-Lantern, Hetty; a dog, Abel; a silly pumpkin which wasn't emptied out, Ephrem; a classical pumpkin, and Zac; Frankenstein. We had pumpkin soup on sunday made from the scraps. Moms a genius.

  3. Wow, great pumpkins ! And your costumes were excellent choices.

  4. Oh, see the Hulk Hogan? Frankenstein? We didn't know we'd have so many ideas.
