Monday, June 2, 2014

June Doings

Its finally June! Finally Summer! Finally! (I suppose I am exited since May has just been dragging along at a snails pace it seems.) I am sure that you all are very relived that May is over. It seemed so uneasily stressful this year, maybe I am growing up to my full 12 years finally, what with the spring recital, turning the big 12, a few more birthdays to celebrate, and new birthday resolutions that one is trying to live up to. Abe is turning two this month, it seems so crazy that such a big/little boy has only been with us for almost two years! He can now say full sentences("Oh man," "Thats cool," and "Your mean," at any given time.) He can walk, roar like a lion at some occasions, and call for water("Ouse.") He is such a character isn't he? Me and Mom went out for a mother/daughter outing, and drove to Value Village (valOO villAGE), I was looking for brown yarn to start crocheting a little tree, stay tuned, and Mom was just looking around and we ended up with two boxes of stationary, a tin, three books, glass bear figurines, three balls of yarn, barely used, and three china plates(we'll see if they last in a family of 8 with 6 kids). We ended it with a Hot-fudge-sundae-in-a-waffle bowl, with whipped cream, and sprinkles. It was heavenly!
A few weeks ago, we went to the Portland Zoo, right before Memorial day and so I have some pictures I'd love to share with you! Here is Abe right in front of the rhino wallow, he's blocking the rhino, unfortunately.
My favorite Gazelle is in front of the tree of the tree, she is so beautiful!
Its not really Abie's day.


  1. HI Avi- your trip to Value Village sounds great- I love that store...but whenever I am there, I only have 30 time we are in oregon, let's make a girls' afternoon out and remember Value Village

  2. Abe is a little sweetheart. Happy birthday to him. The zoo is such a happy place and it looks like he likes it so much. God Bless him.

    1. His birthnight was wonderful for him. He was able to run around rom 8:24 to 9:30. He was a true Spartan until Avi took him screaming to his lounge(which was nicely made, mind) The night was Les Miserables until the "angel" went to bed. Who can say "Terrible Two's" now?
