Monday, March 3, 2014

(Advice)March comes in like a Lion, and out like a Lamb...

The old saying is explained when March, almost unnoticed 'roars' in and then it passes calmly into April. The only persons who are prepared are those that keep the calendar in their minds, and those who work in an office, who are not surprised at all. "Oh, its the first of March, Got to get my papers ready," or "Huh. The year passes pretty quickly." I was very surprised as I wrote in my diary March 3rd.(After looking at the calendar.) How beautiful it is though! I have seen a few robins and tiny little birds that are smaller than my fists! My dad called them 'little cotton balls on legs' since they are a bit fluffy and have little legs that run so fast on the dew-dropped lawn. They are described by my dad just as the little baby quails in Arizona. I am here to give you a little advice on how to spend the last days before spring. Yes, it is still winter, even though it is sunny here in Oregon! !. Read! I have been reading numerous good books! You can take a look at my booklist and see. I have finished reading about Mary Jemison and have been deeply inspired! look her up. 2. Start learning how to Crochet, Knit, or use the Nifty Knitter. I have have been having lots of fun making hats and I am working on baby blankets. They are super fun once you get the hang of it! 3. Make pretzels. Especially during Lent, it is a tradition in the Catholic church to make 'praying arms'. They are very good and make good sides for soups. 4. Memorize poems. There are many good ones out there, and It gives you enjoyment as well. 5. Study the preforming arts. On Easter there is always time for a recitation, play, or singing. Especially Grandparents love to watch Grandchildren preform with a bright smile on their cheery faces. 6. Composition. Writing makes a very good companion during the rainy season. It will also help your imagination work its way to the top of the mountain! Imagination is much needed nowdays in children and adults. 7. Start doing the traditional morning and evening prayer. A family Rosary gives you a Pleanary Indulgence to free a soul from Purgatory, and that way, when you are in Purgatory, all the souls you have freed with plead to God to bring you to Heaven! 8. Challenge yourself to do something you haven't done before yet, or in a long time. Try drinking soup in a mug, perhaps. 9. Drink tea. I love Thai tea during a cold day. There are also different brands you can mix. Once I had White/Winter Spice/Lavender/Peach tea mixed together and it is a lovely combination. 10. Have a nice time putting together a winter scrapbook which you can put away till next winter and enjoy it! Or you can make an every season scrapbook and enjoy it all the more. 11. Learn some new songs,Gregorian chant is always a blessing if you sing it in the home. It brings a monastic air in your house. 12. Reread old favorites. I have reread Narnia, The Hobbit, and all sorts of good old books! There! I have given you 12 tips to try this month! You are free to mention any other tidbits in your comments for I love to try out new things and ways.
P.S. Clem with his first Landscape at age 6, and my favorite Calico cats...they are sisters! AVI


  1. Amazing advice, Avi! I will try to do morning and evening prayer more regularly- praying the Psalms is too awesome to forego even for one day!! I love you!

  2. Great advice...I'm Glad you didn't say ---give up a nicotine product...that would have really put the pressure on.

    Uncle Luc

  3. Thank you for commenting, Uncle Luc! I hope the pressure will be on for you this Lenten season as well as for all of us. A good Lent is very much looked upon by God and Jesus as we make a Way of The Cross with Jesus! I love you! Avi
    Tell the girls, xoxoxoxoxoxo
