Friday, March 21, 2014

Assorted Notes

"Among the dusty looking array of needles, thread, pins, crochet hooks, and buttons, there stands out a tinware tray, filled with a crafter's delights and creations. Amidst the dust is laid tissue paper roses, brandished with beautiful sentiments and love thru its rakish petals. A purse of beautiful design with silver button sewn right next to a lovely white flower. Love it carries, memories it holds. A necklace of gleaming beautiful beads clash against the tin sides of the tray, sounding like fairy bells, in Neverland as it summons the wearer. Beauty is within these rakish, and forgotten creations, the maker has put within these things a heart of gold." How lovely and beautiful! If I were only fit for the description of a heart of Gold! How nice it is and sounds!It reminds me of the book Little Woman, the four young womanly figures who work hard to become the Little Women whom their father looks upon them tenderly.(You must be shocked at the sudden turn of the language I have been 'spouting'. Not to worry, I am experimenting with the old-fashioned words to better portray my characters in my little "Bursts of Color".) I did make a
heart-shaped purse at a dear friend's birthday party, and the tissue paper flowers(which I made in honor of this bit of poetry.) I am trying to get my hand better at sewing, as it is America's number 1# handcraft. Who is the author of the poetry which I started with? That is yet to be discovered! Avimar(Avi) Above: Me and Hetty with the tissue paper flowers! Aren't we chic?

1 comment:

  1. When I'm able, I shall post a pic of the heart purse. Pretty cute.
