Friday, May 23, 2014

Paper Dolls For Hetty

After reading Betsy-Tacy over again for like the hundredth time, I came across the chapter in which Betsy and Tacy play paper dolls. Well, after collecting some paper doll books, cutting things out, and coloring, I had come up with a good- sized folder full of my findings. And after looking over them, me and Hetty found that some of them weren't at all satisfactory. Some were dreadfully ripped, and cut way to close to the head so that they were bald. (They were from a 7-year-old's handling, so I am not surprised.) We had to do something. Last Christmas, Dad had downloaded a few pages of cute 1930 style paper dolls. WE have many girl cousins that would really appreciate a little christmas gift that would last them some hours of enjoyment, at least. We still have the folder saved and so after printing them out, Hetty is now coloring them. I like this idea better than cutting clippings from magazines since you can make the clothes any colors you like. But even better is drawing them yourself. That way you can make their expressions, and design their clothes to satisfaction. Above is a surviving doll from when I was 7. She is supposed to be dear Ma Ingalls in the Little House books, By Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Here is a cutout from a Dover magazine cover. Its really nice, isn't it?
Esther is still finishing her paper dolls. We shall glue it to card stock, let it dry, and then dress her up. She's really cute. Avi P.S. I'm sure you'll have your own ideas! Share some!


  1. Whenever I look at Hetty's doll, I think of a little girl who is going out to tea or to a Sunday school picnic. She would wear a frilly dress and a little white straw hat with pink rosebuds. Doesn't she look like a Lucinda or Minnie?

  2. so cute- I'll be looking for some links for more paper dolls

  3. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucinda Grey, who lived in a large mansion on Cranbury Main St. Of course she lived with her father and mother and older sister, Ella. They were very happy as all families should be....what else?

  4. Great post, Avi! Maybe fabric scraps can be used next time for a 3-D look. Love you! -Mom
