Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to Use Your Time More Wisely

This essay is only for people capable of trying new things and breaking cumbersome habits. You don't have to take any notice to this post if you are not interested but managing your time is a skill worth learning.
My morning is like this: Wake up, dive back under the covers. Seriously, I can do better than this!
Some people can hop out of bed with the sun, say prayers at the exact time and get off to appointments with no worries of being late. If your this person than you are perfect! I can take you as my role model. Doing my morning thing is not good for me. I feel grumpy if I am called, and I have been reading too much of L.M. Montgomery into the night. So I am giving myself some tips. Some may be useful for you, other's you don't have to really pay attention to. .

1. Have something really important to do in the morning so you have a sketchy idea about the beginning of your day.
2. Make a checklist of morning chores like making your bed, etc.
3. Have your clothes laid out before you go to bed so you will know what to do when you wake up.
4. Make sure your brother has a pet rooster near the house.**
5. Have a morning offering ready first thing.
6 Think of a good breakfast. You have had maybe more than ten hours of straight fast while your asleep!

Most helpful tip for me was 3. When I see the outfit I know what to do and it saves me a good rummage in my clothes drawer or closet.

**Don't pay attention to tip 4. My brother Clem has a rooster and a matronly hen outside my window. The rooster crows like he has indigestion, and it is not the happiest bugle call in the morning. I really wouldn't advise this since hearing Stanny has made me grumpy and revengeful of the animal and so I have to pray to St. Francis for guidance.
(I am just kidding!)


  1. I am a beginner! Really, these tips are 'so much' for me...It is working though and thats a comfort!

  2. ask your mom to look up 'bullet journal'- this is a way to organize a simple notebook for organization. you might like it to organize your day/week

  3. Oh! Thank you so much! Maybe I can even try to make my own daily book! This sounds like a really good idea! Thank you again!
