Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Geletin Salad Amigurumi Pattern

I was crocheting in the desert hills of Santa Paula, sort of aimlessly. I had no idea what to make, no internet connection and a fed-up imagination. A mind blurb popped up in the shape of a moulded geletin salad. This topic is very different compared to my previous posts, but if you saw the image on Pinterest and are on this website for the first time, thanks for commenting or sharing this post with any of your aqaintences. Here is the pattern, it is free, easy to follow. Any mistakes in my pattern, or just wanting to share pictures of your creations, email amgdauvin@gmail.com.

Plate: color c

Make a slip knot.
Ch 3 and join third chain from hook.
6 sc into third chain from hook to make a round.
Rnd 1: 1 sc in each chain
Rnd 2: 1 sc in each chain
Rnd 3: 1 sc in each chain
Rnd 4: 1 sc in each chain
Rnd 5: 1 sc in each chain around
Rnd 6: 1 sc in each chain

Pretty simple, right? This creates a flat plate which you will connect to the gelatin salad's body.

Creamy base: color b
This will be a Two Rnd stripe bridging the plate.

Rnd 1: 1sc in each stitch of plate.
Rnd 2: 1sc in each stitch

Gelatin body: color a

You must know how to increase before you try this out!

Rnd 1: 1sc in each stitch until Rnd 5
Rnd 6: back stitch only! 1sc in each stitch around.
Rnd 7: 3sc in each stitch
The next 3 rows are as follows: 3sc in every stitch.
Rnd 12: 1 sc in every stich to create a flat top.
Rnd 13: finish top and weave in ends.

Voila! Enjoy your creation!

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