Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mutual Friend's Plot

I had an idea about a month ago including all of you varlets and lion tamers. By going with the plot below you may finish the story! I will be very interested to see all the different writing styles and I will post all the results for others to enjoy. Hey, it's in good fun and we all have a little wee opening in the weekend...

Professor Plumpfront presides at the meeting of the Society of Prevention for Cruelty to Yorkshire Terriers. He has a speech prepared and is enjoying himself immensely over the '56 port and the company of friends. In the middle of the speech, the butler enters and says the Prof must leave at once. Why?

Make up something original! I think we need good laughs at a time like this, just before the craziness of the election. Go with me here, I am watching the Game Two of the World Series with my grandparents and do not have much to work with. You are not pressured to submit an ending to the story but it shall be highly appreciated. Email your story to Cannot be more than 100 words unless you are really inspired and can't stop writing;)
This event is open for non members as well. I will post my ending once I rack my brains for a good conclusion for the Professor. Merci beaucoup.