Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June Diaries

I shall begin to write once more a newsy epistle. I shall start with the highlight of the day which is the welcoming of six new bunnies, born to Terra(Rylander)and father Blackie(Dutch mini lop.) They are very cute! Sadly our camera is out of batteries and so adieu to an excellent pictured post till next entry.

WE went camping last week in Le Pine OR at a wonderful place called Bull Bend. When we awoke after a freezing night, we saw ice floating down the nearby river. (A friend of ours said someone probably emptied their cooler!) So now I can say I have been up to my knees in icy water.

Also this year we went to the Turner Lamb Festival, which was great! We got to see elderly woman using spindles, a lamb show, a bottle-feeding contest, and a parade.

My writing is taking off and I am writing a mystery called Enfant Jesus and just finished a play, The Story of Jane Addams for our cousin thespian society. I was thinking of starting a historical novel about a deformed spartan boy but I still have to study my history.
I recovered some old stories long ago including a rather childish 'Peter the Pig' and 'Mary the Monkey' which were written when I was seven years old. If you really want to read some of the chapters, I will post them for you. I am not really ashamed, I think I have drastically improved.

Farm wise: We have been picking thistles, burs, and got our Chinese golden pheasant, Joseph settled in an old and abandoned rabbit hutch while we wait for an aviary to be built in the barn. Two new rabbits, Brendan and Brigit 'lightened' our doors, and our quail are laying little eggs, speckled, and some are green! Plums and apples are green knobs on the tree waving in the breeze, and the cow, Moon is to have a calf in July.

My mystery has taken up most of my craft time, and I am also in two plays for our church, and sing in a children's choir but stay tuned for my creativity usually sparks in odd moments like camping. In have to figure out what to do with driftwood & pinecones...


  1. Wow, great June so far ! Any update on the status of Moon the cow ?

  2. A little calf born on June 10th.Our little bunnies died of summer cold. Only two days after being born. At least you got to see them.

  3. Terra wasn't the mother we supposed her to be. She was very careless, but I suppose she was jittery. But as Life handed us a lemon, we still have time to make lemonade.
