Friday, August 29, 2014

Dreamy Tuesday

On a dreamy Tuesday in August, this week, we had our first full day at our beautiful new house, on Val View Dr. in T. I spent a wonderful night on the mattress, dreaming of things yet to come in the new house. I had set up my room on Sunday, and when we first came into my room(My Room!)the homey atmosphere was lovely. I now had a rug by my bed, two lamps since the lighting was dim, and a "Provision" room where I shall store all the things that I need for some unexpected emergencies. I have a string of tiny lanterns draped over my dollhouse/bookshelf. I have no curtains till we unpack them, but since the window is right next to the most romantic plum tree ever, I shall always have it uncovered, for the morning sun shines thru it and I wake up with a smile on my face, and a song on my lips. I have taken to reading scripture again, and St. Teresa Of Avila's autobiography. I have finished The Enchanted April,and also, Heaven to Betsy, so now I am going to tighten my belt and begin reading advanced works, like Byron, and Pope, St. Teresa Of Avila(again), and other books in our massive collection. In the library/prayer room, we have a bookshelf up to the ceiling loaded with our dear books we could not part with. I also have a little oak bookshelf in my room full of novels, my diary, and Saints. The House itself in on 9.7 acres, and we have called the acreage, The Promise Land. Isn't it fitting? We have grapes, plums, apples, blackberries, and so we have called it fittingly. We have roses, and a blooming butterfly bush full of white, and purple blooms. Our roses are uncovering their beauty and so we have our late roses showing their faces. Two wasps are building their nest in the mailbox, poor mailman! We did have a wasp in the dinner bell outside, but Clem rang it so much that the nest fell out, and the wasp kept vigil for a few days and then flew off. We have a "hide-away" tree, thats leaves go down to the ground and so we are in a little cave made out of fragile leaves which only the fairies can come. In the fields we have an old tire swing that I don't trust, but near it is a faery swing that lifts you off your feet and you feel so light its like a dream! We have a beautiful view of Mt. Jefferson, and in the mornings, since we are facing the east, the sun floods the kitchen and living room with glory that even Aslan couldn't compare with. The farm is called Twin Angels Farm, isn't that 'dramatically romantic'? The downstairs has a kitchen and storage area where there are winter supplies and 'stuff'. (This should definitely be one of the Seven Wonders of Oregon!) Hope you can visit sometime. Avi