Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I hear your brothers blood cry out...

I was reading a bit about the African Saints in a beautiful book. I am amazed at these saints who gave their lives for christ, willingly, and without fail! I felt like a coward, not talking about my faith with others. I have also heard that in Nigeria, thousands are dying for their faith horribly.

What can we do? People, Dearest Followers and my Mutual friends, We must really, really pray WE need to stand up, one nation that is under God, like what we say when we pledge to the Flag. It is true. In this way we are helping the christians stand up steadily and help them in their sufferings and help them so that they have a one-way trip to the Celestial City.

I wasn't meant to turn this post into a homily, nor am I trying to sound like the holiest 12-year old which walked the face of the earth, Its just, I feel for Africa, I feel for those kids like me who watch their parents suffer, from sickness or the sword. Wouldn't you feel like shouting at the world, if your life was like that, your dreams possible shattered? How horrible, and yet, these dear people will become saints and martyrs for the one true faith. God bless the People of Africa! You are my Heroes!

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