Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Family Advice 1#: Just Plain Sick

Of all the family 'memories' we have had that are most vivid and that come to mind on certain occasions, is the times when we have been confined to the futon, or the "Cozy Chair" and are swathed in crocheted afghans, or wool blankets. I guess since it is probably exiting having nothing to do for the first days, sitting around being a sick person and sleeping. There are some people who love to be sick due to their busy to-do days, the boring, low-rated paperwork, or even just doing what their business evens up to, all people need rest and real relaxation. We have been having a very sudden attack of a fever, sniffle, couch, and perpetual drip all in one with all the kids. We are recovering bit by bit, and are a little slower and dazed in the morning. I find that just laying in your bed thinking you have to get up since the daddy-is-going-to-wake-you-up feeling is the worst when you've had a terrible night. I GAVE IT ALL I HAD THIS MORNING. Here are just some things that you can do to distract the kids when they are complaining about fevers, coughs, and more. 1. Books on tape are fun to listen to, and put me to sleep along with a few others. We listened to The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe and The Fairy Of the Snows. 2. Listening to Old time Radio shows like The Lone Ranger, Laurel and Hardy, and The Zucchini Brothers provide hours of fun for us. 3. Read-alouds 4. Board games. 5. Bath time, totally. 6. Mom made us smoothies every morning for breakfast. They help lower the fever on account of frozen berries and bananas. 7.We also saw the british TV show, Peppa Pig which Hetty loves! It helped the kids to laugh easily.


  1. This is papa--I am glad to see you better even if having a sleeping cutie was special. The other advantage to this particular sickness was the tendency to make the kids speechless. This made me feel that what I was saying was the last word…very special indeed.

    1. My goodness Papa! I am glad you feel that way, I really have to keep those long words in mind. tendency, speechless, etc
      Love you so much and thank you for commenting. This is a rare treat to see you have been on the blog. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox-avi

    2. Get well soon ! Nice pic of E !
