Tuesday, April 1, 2014

California Diary

You are probably wondering where I have been, since I haven't written a post lately. Well, we are spending a lovely and hot vacation in Ventura CA. We're visiting with the cousins so you can imagine that we are having a lot of fun. Been here ever since Saturday and staying until next Sunday which means quality cousin time! I will give you a full account of our stay in this post, the events that I've most remembered and cherished and the fun family jokes throughout our stay. I shall start with the latest, if you don't mind. Today: Went to a small but charming museum with only three exhibits. Its was extremely fun, for they had an art section, a row of glass cases filled with american heroes that are really dolls that are beautifully done, and an indian room where the cousins went crazy over the stuffed coyote and Island fox. After we went to the Dog Park to give Duke(the poodle) a good run and play on the playground, have a picnic lunch, and use up our energy that came from this mornings cereal. We went to a hippy art place where they had bins of junk, recycled of course, and crafters makings all over from jewelry to murals in the making. It was truly a crafters dream. Yesterday: All the big girls went out to watch FROZAN at the theater to have a mothers/daughters night which turned out great. We saw it in 3D, my first time and it quite took me by surprise. I got to keep the glasses! We went to the original mission cross which is over 100 years old and looked over Ventura. We stopped by RocketFizz, the ultimate favorite soda pop/candy shop around downtown CA. Went to a beach park and played for a while and had a nice lunch with seagulls flying close as they dared to our picnic table. On Sunday: We went to Mass, and had lunch at Peking Inn, where I ordered Sweet and Sour pork with a few egg rolls and Egg Flower soup. I love chinese food, don't you? We went swimming in the pool and had hot sauna showers afterwards. Last Saturday: We just rested up, unpacked, and made ourselves at home, and went to a vigil. We had a very classy Romanian lunch, and so for dinner we had ice-creamy smoothies. Altogether it has been one of the loveliest vacations this year! We've had so much fun and 5 more days are left. What could be more heavenly? Avi P.S. Above: Me in front of Ventura's RocketFizz, holding my chocolate soda.


  1. Cannot wait to watch Mirror, Mirror with you tonight!!!!! sanzi

    1. Can't wait too! I love spending time with my cousins, especially with you and Magda. Love U! Avi

  2. Sounds like you are having a great time Avi. Your rabbits, cat and fish are doing great. They are looking forward to your coming home. So am I !


