Monday, December 23, 2013

The Eve before Christmas Eve

Imagine! Christmas eve is really tomorrow at last! This Advent went very quickly, and now the Final days of Advent are coming to an end and the 12 days of Christmas are nearly here. The craft this post is TP roll nativity sets. We did these with our cousins and it was lots of fun. Mum printed out the coloring pages from a blog called Catholic Cupcakes, but really, you can make your own figures faces and clothes! I thought it would be really cool if they had real fabric clothes on to make it seem more alive, but I have to try that some other year. (I'm saving up my TP rolls now!) First you color the figures, paste them on the TP rolls, and let it dry. Then set them up anyway you vision the nativity. They are very cute and we've had quite a few comments on them when people visit our house. I was the one who colored Mary, Joseph, and the palm tree, and one sheep. My brother, Eph, did the most since he was very involved with the coloring. The wise men are still traveling on the countertops until Epiphany.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -Avi


  1. Rowena something similar at school! She loves having a Nativity set to play with. Yours is lovely!

  2. Best use of toilet paper rolls! Love your blog Avi. You have such a pleasant turn of phrase.
