Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My first solo recipe

This is a recipe that I made up. I was thinking about what would be an interesting blog post and I said to myself, "How about making a recipe". I spent time in my room writing this great recipe while Mom was reading a book to the young boys. Some of these ideas are from a cook book...I was reading More with Less cookbook and I put together a recipe using just a few words from the book. Here is the recipe:
4 -----------eggs
2/3 cup-----Sugar
1-1/3 cup---Flour
1-1/3 tsp----cinnamon
3/4 cup------coconut cream

Mix all together and bake 50 min at 350 deg. Makes 6 portions.


  1. I was one of the fortunate tasters of Avi's debut dish and I must say that I was impressed. It was hard to decide whether to call it a pudding or a cake because it had the best qualities of both these desserts. The flavour was pleasantly reminiscent of rice pudding and I think that it would be a fantastic dish to wake up to in the morning. I am excited that it was a success because I think this will mean more to come. We all had seconds.
    Proud Pa

  2. Your Uncle loves coconut- maybe we'll make your dish

  3. I'll make it. I love coconut and want to see how you experiment with tastes. Keep cooking and I'll see you soon.

  4. We will try with a little tweeking maybe. Thanks.

  5. Thanks for all of the comments! I will try to post more soon. -Avila
