Sunday, April 3, 2016

An Explanation

I just got a new camera so many more pictures are about to be enclosed in future blogposts. Anyway I have heard from certain followers that only my mini christmas newsletter is showing up and I apologize if it has anything to do with my blog or computer. I am trying to write more frequently. Bluebird buttons might be undergoing a bit of screen editing. I'm giving it a minor new look this spring. Bluebird Buttons is basically a blog which has neat creativeness, ideas and just talk. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Its an awesome online 'diary'. I apologize for any misgivings in either my post or comments.

Mother Angelica 's Story

Really inspiring. I watched this on Divine Mercy Sunday and she is amazing! Mother passed away on Easter Sunday, she's praying for us up there, I know it.