This post is going to be like a diary entry. All that has happened on Jan 23rd, 2016. I woke up at 6:30 and went on a retreat and Mass with my friend. A retreat done by two really happy Dominican nuns just overflowing with joy that they found their allying, super happy. I heard their vocation stories, one wanted to be a professional Irish Dancer and still has her dance shoes! Talk about inspiration! They both had similar stories of wanting to get married but then finding their true calling in the covent life. Its about eight years to become a nun taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. There are some orders that have four vows like having a vow in remembrance of unborn children. The nuns said they have tried tons of field sports, including archery and frisbee. They sometimes watch a good movie and are waiting till STAR WARS gets on dvd. They are pretty cool. Even Oprah interviewed their order and I was really impressed. They are also featured on EWTN: Truth in the Heart which is a catechism program for grades 1-5 that is on for the children all over the States! I had a really fun time.
This was at the protocol cathedral of ST. JAMES in Vancouver. The mass was very beautiful. We used the alter rail which is always so awesome because while you are waiting, you are kneeling and therefore can meditate well. When I got home, We were talking about popular names. Mary has turned to be the 106th popular name in American when it used to be the first for a very long time. Avila is not very popular but in German it means bird girl! I was thinking like there's Cat Woman so why not Bird Girl? This is very silly, we were talking about nuns and now I switched the subject to superheroes. My final say is Nuns actually are superheroes in an extreme way. They pray out there for souls and save so many. We can be superheroes too out in the world. Think about it.